MPEd | Field of Early Childhood Education - Western University
The MPEd in the Field of Early Childhood Education is the first program in Canada dedicated to the education of pedagogists. The program provides students with the essential conceptual tools and practical experience required to adeptly assume the role of pedagogist in British Columbia and Ontario, and to pursue leadership positions in early childhood education on a global scale.
BEd | Early Childhood Education specialty | Teacher Education - Western University
The Early Childhood Education specialty prepares teacher candidates to work in Junior Kindergarten through Grade 3. This specialty area addresses exciting and innovative curriculum and pedagogical practices for young children.
Teaching and Course Development
Western University (2016-present)
Advanced Topics in Curriculum (PhD)
Understanding Curriculum Leadership for Educational Practice (MPEd- Early Childhood Education)
Doctoral Seminar in CSSAL (PhD)
Understanding the Young Child (MPEd- Early Childhood Education)
Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Learning in Early Childhood II (BEd - Early Childhood Education)
University of Victoria (2003-2016)
Qualitative Research Methods in Child and Youth Care (MA)
Generating Knowledge in Child and Youth Care (PhD)
Directed Studies in Child and Youth Care (MA & PhD)
Child and Adolescent Development in Context (MA)
Internship in Child and Youth Care Research (PhD)
Leadership, Advocacy and Policy for the Early Years (BA – Early Years Specialization)
Issues of Assessment and Evaluation with Young Children and Families (BA)
Practices for Young Children and Families: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (BA – Early Years Specialization)
Professional Leadership in Child and Youth Care (BA)
Professionalism and Ethical Practice in Child and Youth Care (BA)
Lifespan Development (BA)
Introduction to Professional Child and Youth Care Practice (BA)